diumenge, 14 de novembre del 2010

Els semiconductors.

7 comentaris:

  1. m'agrada molt el video trobo que ho explica molt bé , però ho he hagut de veure varies vegades per entendre algunes paraules que amb l'ajuda del diccionari al final he comprés!

  2. Aquest vídeo m'agrada perquè està molt ben explicat, he entès els semiconductors a la perfecció, tot i que estigui en Anglès. Els gràfics estan bé i el fan més divertit. Visca la Tecnooo!!!

  3. Avui a classe de tecnologia hem aprés una mica més dels semiconductors amb aquest video.
    Els típics semiconductors tenen 4 electrons al voltant del nucli. Un dels típics
    semiconductors és el silici.
    Als 0 graus Kelivin (graus celisius + 273)els electrons estan fortament units amb el nucli del silici. Però amb la calor es podent trencar aquests lligams covalents.
    L'electró es mou de la posició on es trobava (al voltant del nucli amb els altres 3 electrons per cada mol·lècula de silici) i deixa un forat en el seu lloc, creant una xarxa positiva. El forat, atreu a un altre electró de càrrega negativa, ja que els àtoms de càrrega positiva i negativa s'atreuen, i provocant així, un seguit de moviments en els altres electrons, que crearan un corrent continuu.

  4. Fet per: Pere Giró Andreu Giró i Alex Garriga

    During this class we have seen some videos that have helped to understand semiconductors.
    The electron's position is changed, leaving a hole in its place, creating a net positive. The hole attracts another electron of negative charge.
    The electrons are strongly linked with the core silicon. But the heat can break these covalent bonds.
    One is silicon and semiconductors usually have 4 electrons around the nucleus.
    There are drivers and isolating the intrinsic, extrínsecos as the gallium arsenic ...

  5. Today in the class of technology we have seen two videos of semiconductors.
    Now we know which are the main semiconductures, those whose component is silicon. Around him there are electrons on silicon, and when an elevated temperature appears separated from its nucleus. The electron moves from the position where it was (around the nucleus with the other 3 electrons per molecule of silicon) and leaves a hole in its place, creating a net positive current.

  6. ( Alex Corredera i Xavier Quintillà) (el bueno)

    There are two categories of materials conductos alillants are special materials and letting the flow at certain times and sometimes not let you pass, behave as conductors and semiconductors.
    The main semiconductor materials are the Germanic, and silicon is a non-metallic chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Si and atomic number 14.

    A P type semiconductor, is formed by adding a certain type of atoms in the semiconductor to increase the number of free charge carriers in this case positive or empty. And one type of N is formed by adding a certain type of atoms in the semiconductor to increase the number of free charge carriers in this case electrons or negative.
    a typical semiconductor has 4 valence electrons

  7. Maked by Dani Vidal and Joan Serra

    Today in class we watched a video technology that we have learned a lot we did not know about semiconductors.
    Know the typical semiconductor 4 are formed by valence electrons around the nucleus. The best-known semiconductor material is silicon.
    The video has explained that the structures of silicon at low temperatures, electrons and nuclei are very compact. With the heat is so strong these links may become broken.
    Heat the electrons move from the position where they were i left that place is occupied by other negatively charged electrons that are attracted ja them. Thus creating a continuous electrical current.
